In my daytime life at BrightPlanet we do a lot of work for the intelligence community that we really can’t say anything about. However, I recently came across a blog that I have been monitoring (and am still the only subscriber to on Bloglines) called Intelligence and Technology and National Security that I have been finding quite useful. Recommended.
Thus, my interest was piqued when it referred to a Web site called Intelligence Search: That Web site claims:
“Intelligence Search is the only totally free spy and intelligence web site that searches through creditable web sites to deliver quality information to its visitors. Intelligence Search is free of adware, spyware and pop-ups and does not ask its visitors for donations. Intelligence Search also allows freedom of speech in the written word, so visitors get the purest form of intelligence information possible. “
Hmmm, sounds useful and interesting. So, I tried ‘ODNI’ as a search term (for Office of the Director of National Intelligence — the new intel oversight position created by the Intelligence Reform and Terrorism Prevention Act of 2004, with Ambassador John D. Negroponte its first director) and only got one result (and that one not even the ODNI’s home page!). A similar Yahoo! search turns up 84,200 hits, of which 200 are excellent results after applying further query refinements. (Of course, Yahoo! does not include any deep Web content, so a truly useful compendium would likely have 1,000 documents or more.) Numerous other searches I tried produced similarly meager results from Intelligence Search in comparison to what is available.
I think the intent of Intelligence Search is laudable and I like its clean interface. However, I can not recommend it at this time until content coverage actually becomes useful. Perhaps the site’s developers need to consider better tools for harvesting and building content on their site. I just may have some recommendations ….
The webmaster has been accosted.. and “Intelligence and Technology and National Security” has disappeared.